Vacation rental new chalenges

  1. More hospitality.
    In addition to looking for good accommodation with nice facilities, guests are now looking for good hosts. Your accommodation must be totally friendly and personalized if you want good reviews and more reservations.

  2. Long stays
    Now a days more people are working home office style. Accommodations are now long-term, because guest requires stability to be efficient in their work.

  3. High speed WiFi
    One of the most important requirements when looking a reservation is Wifi. Make sure your accommodation offers it.

  4. Vacation rental vs. hotel
    The prices and privacy offered by the vacation rental are preferred by most people.

  5. Zero contact
    Now it is possible to do Check-in & Check-out without physical contact. Guests have become used to picking up the key from the padlock and waiting for their accommodation to be ready.

  6. Communication is the key
    Always be updated about your guest’s transfer to your accommodation. Because you generate security, good service and good recommendations. In addition to being able to solve any eventuality in time.

Grupo Select in Playa del Carmen is always evolving to provide the best vacation rental & property management service in Playa del Carmen!