Mexico is an oasis for international tourists after the pandemic

The World Tourism Organization named 2020 “The worst year in the history of tourism.” But Mexico only suffered a 45% impact according to the Mexican Ministry of Tourism. One of the main factors by which Mexico was able to save tourism was because the authorities kept open air spaces, in addition to having tourist attractions that make it one of the most visited countries in the world.

Thousands of international tourists -especially from the United States- have seen in Mexico a kind of oasis to travel in the pandemic thanks to its almost non-existent restrictions due to coronavirus to enter the country.

It is estimated that 2022 will be the year of tourism recovery. That is why Grupo Select recommends that if you own a property in Playa del Carmen you should use it as vacation rental. The tourism demand in this destination is constant all the year and it is a very good idea to prepare for the tourism recovery that is expected for next year and enjoy great extra income.

Managing a vacation rental property can be very complicated. Trust your property to the experts and forget about the work involved in keeping it rented and in good condition.

Grupo Select, experts in rents and real estate administration.

Whatsapp (+52) 998 241 2424.

Cel. (+52) 984 163 6343.

What to do with problematic renters

Your property and the coexistence that surrounds it can be affected by a renter who does not respect the rules. The community of neighbors can demand the owner, who has the obligation to mediate the situation, sometimes with a Lawyer help.

Grupo Select, the experts in real estate management, recommend these 3 steps to deal with conflictive tenants:

  1. Speak up and try to make the renter understand the situation.
    Sometimes you don’t need anything more than dialogue. Maybe renters may not even have noticed their behavior.
    This conversation will solve the problem. However, if the conflict continues. Follow the next step:
  2. Delivery of a warning letter.
    In this kind message you should inform the renter about the situation. You will narrate the actions that are damaging your property and you will warn them that, if they do not stop, you will take legal measures.
  3. Judicial complaint.
    Take it as the last choice, because it will be a process that requires time, energy and generates more tension with the conflictive tenant. Hire a good lawyer for this step.

Renting your property can be a challenge. Trust in Grupo Select to manage and monetize it for you.

Whatsapp (+52) 998 241 2424.

Cel. (+52) 984 163 6343.